Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Long Time No Blog

I suppose I should update this thing once in awhile. But it's so dang hard to sit in front of the computer on a beautiful summer day, so I waited until now -- a beautiful fall day.

It's been such a full spring and summer. I'll try to catch up, but not today. Instead I'll just pop in a few links to pictures from middle daughter's wedding -- just last weekend.


My Camera (which I did not have control of for most of the evening)


Sarah's Camera:


Shower Pics from July:


So far, its just the reception photos from my camera. Not much coverage of the ceremony yet, which was beautiful despite the fact that the best man FORGOT THE RINGS!!!!

Some quick substitutes were found and it all turned out just fine. Real rings were installed at the reception during the best man's sheepish speech.

I had so much fun dancing -- 3-plus hours worth -- that the evening flew by. I want to do it all over again!

As for my bloggin career, I have a whole pant-load of stuff to throw at republicans so stay tuned.


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